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A specially curated box to help you battle through energetic barriers on your spiritual path -we can all get knocked sideways with the constant vibrational shifts and cycles of healing and awakening, this set can help you warrior through and help attune you to the realms above..


* AWAKEN INNER SELF INCENSE - A powerful incense created, with a special blend of herbal alliances, essential oils and ancient resins - which combine to work alongside you and take you on a journey, to the places hidden within. Every botanical, oil and resin have been intuitively chosen, using Magickal Herbalism and plant lore and is fully aligned with purpose


.Let this incense, help you let go of the mundane world and let your spirit flow freely, let your higher self show you what you need to know, let ancient knowledge be unlocked and be open to embrace, all that you are. What do you need to do, to follow your path - tap into the power that resides deep in your soul and accept your inner self, to be able to put that power to use.


With a unique blend of nine herbal alliances including Rose, Lemon Verbena, Feverfew and Eucalyptus, that will hold your hand as you journey within. A unique blend of nine essential oils including Rose Geranium, Sandalwood, Passionflower and Yellow Chamomile, to help transport you to the inner worlds and spiritual realms.


With ancient resins of Benzion and Frankincense to bring a depth of aroma, helping to open your Higher Chakras and accessing the knowledge you need.


Can be burned on charcoal disks, incense burner or can be placed in an oil burner, covered in water - if you not like smoke


*COSMIC GATEWAY OIL - An oil to help those in need of accessing the Cosmic Energy surrounding each and every one of us - do you need to go through the gateways to the higher realms of consciousness?This is an oil to send your mind soaring above - towards the higher realms. Helping you to journey through the cosmos to the gateways of those realms. Blended using eleven Essential oils, to not only open the higher Chakras, but also to help weave a safety cord to Mother Earth while on your adventures.With a spell cast, to help you access the cosmical energies around you and take a magickal journey to Father Sky, to ask for guidance on your quest.Aiding you in seeing the Cosmic gateways to enter and explore. 10ml blended with Grapeseed oil


*RUTILATED QUARTZ KNECKLACE -  Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It is fun to gaze into Rutilated Quartz is Clear Quartz that is riddled with needle-like pieces of golden Rutile, a material made of Titanium Dioxide that is also known as "The Hairs of Venus". Rutilated Quartz can clear energy blockages from all the chakras, and attune one to their Divine Purpose. It puts off an exceptionally high level of energy and is said to bring physical and mental balance and stability.


Rutilated Quartz also enhances self-reliance and helps with decision-making. Rutilated Quartz is an uplifting stone, infusing joy into one's life and the surrounding environment. Rutilated Quartz is often used during meditation, for connecting to the Divine. Working with Rutilated Quartz can help one to connect to higher realms and spirit guides, due to the inclusions of Rutile in the Quartz, which acts as a kind of psychic antenna.


*STELLAR BEAM CALCITE POINT - If you’re searching for a talisman of spiritual expansion and elevation, then Stellar Beam Calcite can grab your hand fly, like a rocket ship into the higher realms Stellar Beam calcite, is considered an ascension stone as its pure essence is spiritual in nature and it helps facilitate a deeper connection with your own unique spiritual gifts and the countless realms, waiting to be discovered.


Stellar Beam Calcite’s energy is calming, bringing great peace and harmony during meditation and spiritual workings. It also helps draw you into a deep space of relaxation, which leads to deep and peaceful sleep, enabling dreamwork to flow Stellar Beam Calcite helps stimulate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, bringing an enhanced connection with higher levels of consciousness and promoting spiritual ascension.


The characteristic sharp terminations of Stellar Beam Calcite are perfect for directing energy and using it as a tool in psychic surgery to release energy blockages It can be swept through the auric field to clear old, limiting thought patterns and habits. Stellar Beam Calcite is also a helpful stone to aid in remembering and integrating lessons from past lives.


Also enables you to develop your spiritual practice and brings clarity to the soul. It opens your eyes to the beauty and light around you. Clearing energetic blockages and activates the energy systems, helping you feel happier and aligned with your highest calling Stellar Beam Calcite, is the Stone of Lemuria and Atlantis, and Soul Path Purpose Clarity -aiding in Divine Will, manifestation, interdimensional travel and helps to tap into higher-knowledgeHelps to open Third eye, Solar Plexus, Transpersonal, Etheric Chakras - aiding inPast life recall and healing and accessing the Akashic Records to overcome resistance to your Soul Purpose.


*AGATIZED CORAL - Agatized Coral is a highly mystical stone for exploring the mysteries of life on this planet. It teaches us the power of interdependence and that we are all connected, none of us truly isolated except in our own minds.


Agatized Coral reminds us that we are constantly changing and evolving, yet we also remain fundamentally the same, and this apparent paradox is both beautiful and good.This stone teaches us that change is a natural part of life and that personal growth and transformation are vital. By understanding the interconnectedness of everything, we cultivate empathy and compassion, fostering harmony and balance in our lives.


Agatized Coral is a valuable tool for emotional healing as it has the ability to soothe and calm turbulent emotions. It helps individuals explore and adjust their relationships and belief systems for their highest good. Agatized Coral enhances mental clarity and focus, boosting cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.


Agatized Coral stimulates the mind, improving mental activity and memory retention. It is ideal for students, professionals, and anyone seeking to enhance their mental abilities. On top of that, Agatized Coral fuels creativity and imagination, facilitating the generation of new ideas and perspectives.


Agatized Coral is thought to facilitate a deeper spiritual connection and enhance spiritual awareness. It heightens intuition and psychic abilities, enabling access to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual guidance. This stone promotes inner peace, emotional balance, and alignment with one’s life purpose.

Agatized Coral aids in chakra balancing by stimulating the crown and heart chakras, fostering unity and connection with all living beings. This stone enhances intuition and spiritual awareness, bringing calm and balance to the mind, body, and spirit.


This box comes with a Higher Self Meditation Guide and instructions on how to work alongside it's contents.


Please Note - Crystals are all unique and the ones you receive may differ in size or shape, to the ones pictured!

Spirit Warrior Box


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