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A specially curated box to help you attune with your hidden 'wild inner self' and embrace the power of the natural world. To help you connect with the powerful energy of the ancient forest and all that dwell there and attune with the Horned God, to help you push forward and embrace, all you are...


*TREE SPIRIT OIL - This special oil, has been blended to aid you In working with the ancient spirit of trees.. The ancient knowledge lodged with them, can help to guide you on your path and aid your connection with the natural world.You can meditate or journey with this oil, to take you deep within the forest, to connect and help to unlock, what is hidden on your path, embrace the strengh they provide and recieve guidance from the wise, ancient treesThis oil is a blend of 9 essential oils, including Oakmoss, Ho Leaf, Amyris and Rosewood and 4 botanicals fully aligned with working with tree spirit including Icelandic Moss and Witch Hazel...with an aroma that takes you deep into the forest floor and grounds your soul as you begin your journey within...

This oil has been taken to ancient woods on the shore of Ennerdale Water, to fully attune on moss covered tree trunks and infuse the ancient energy that resides there.   10 ml Blended with Grapeseed oil


*CERNUNNOS OIL - He sits as one with an ancient oak, limbs stretching into the far away realms and star studded skies. He is the connection, the treads that bind the three worlds of Earth, Sea and Sky and the realms behind each world - he is Cerunnos The ancient horned god of beasts, wild places and witches, is the mediator of man and nature - helping to keep the natural balance of the worlds and protects the freedom of the wild.

He has many aspects including the Green Man and Herne the Hunter, where he brings fertility, life and protection during the spring and summer months. As Pan, he us playful and cunning but shows the brutality needed to protect survive the natural world - honouring life and death. He is also Dark God as he steps into the underworld in the autumn and winter months, where he comforts the dead and sings the passed into the spirit world.️

To work with Cernunnos in his entirety, is to accept the cycles of life and death - the ebb and flow of the cycles in your own life. To attune to the wildness of your soul and your true being. Learn when to push forward to grow and flourish but also know, when it is time to let things wither and die - to be your true self.️

This special oil, blended with 14 essential oils including Black Spruce, Amber, Valarian Root, Lavadin, Vertiver, Birch, Parsley and Myrrh is attuned to every aspect of Cernunnos, with a deep haunting aroma, that takes you on a journey deep into the wild.  With Moss Agate chips to further your connection with the natural world and ancient knowledge️. This oil can help you connect with your inner self and the ancient knowledge trapped within. Take a journey to the wild, deep deep in the forest, to connect with tree spirits, elementals that residents there - to gain knowledge and guidance...️It can help honour your soul calling and connect with the aspect of Cernunnos, you need at this time. It can help open channels of communication with different realms and help you listen to the whispers of your soul.️It can be used in Shamanic Journeys to connect with Cernunnos- travel to the forests of the Middle world or the Underground and call his name, ask to work with him..️The oil can also be used in ritual work, meditations and to honour Cernunnos in alter spaces.10ml - blended with Grapeseed oil


*LODALITE KNECKLACE - The vibrant landscape of Lodolite is a metaphor for personal exploration. Gazing into Lodolite can take you on a journey to another realm; some even believe them to be portals to the world of fae. Just by looking deeply into the crystal will fill you with peace, calmness, and serenity.

Their naturally charged scenery helps raise spiritual vibrations, which enable communication with the spirit guides. Not only will its high vibrational frequency envelop you with its spiritual intrigue, but you will also find something new each time you turn it. Lodolite is also a great visualization and manifesting tool. It can induce trance visionary experience and soul healing to anyone who lays their eyes on it.


Crystal healers love this stone for its ability to enhance extrasensory perception (ESP) and to heighten the knowledge of past lives. It is said that this crystal can recollect ancient memories that date back thousands of years. Lodolite is known to evoke lucid dreaming. It assists in maintaining consciousness as one enters and navigates the dreamscape. Thought to enhance clairvoyant abilities, it connects the inner soul to the energies of the mystical realm for the highest illumination. It also enhances psychic intuition. It is a handy helper for those on the path of a shamanic journey. It also assists in karmic healing and in spiritual communication with higher realms and the cosmos.


*PURPLE MOSS AGATE SLICE - Moss Agate holds within it the spiritual wisdom of the keepers, or devic forces, of the plant kingdom. Working with this stone provides a portal through which you can access the world of fairies, gnomes, and elves. This stone helps inspire you when working with herbs and aromatherapy for body, mind, and spirit. Moss agate is good for aligning your energy with Archangels Raphael and Thuriel.

This stone, with its moss-like pattern, helps you to remember to ground yourself. Use it when you are experiencing mental fatigue. This stone helps you replenish your mental focus. When you aren’t able to make it outdoors, gaze into the stone’s inner structure and imagine that you’ve stepped into a forest or glen for a quick break. It’s helpful for people who spend a good deal of time inside buildings with limited time in nature : Infuse this stone with an intention to take time to walk in the grass, visit the water’s edge, or embrace a tree


*This box includes a Meditation Guide to conect with Tree Spirit, guide to connecting with Cernunnos and instructions how to work alongside the contents.

Spirit Of The Wild Box


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