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Looking to balance your Karma or is it time, to rekindle your soul's fire??


Dragon can do this by showing you how to intensify your focus and give strength, to follow your soul path.. I was guided to create an oil, to help connect to dragon energy.


A stunning aroma with 8 essential oils including Cade, Star Anise and Cabreiva and botanicals attuned to Dragon energy, to enforce, the oils power. Dragon is a rare and powerful spirit guide, her energy may be quite intimidating in initial meetings and sometimes, prove difficult to figure out her true purpose. But this is part of connecting with such a powerful creature, they do love to challenge your whole being...but there is no question that Dragon deserves your respect and honor and the more work, you put into creating strong connections - the greater the rewards.

Dragon can help guide you towards expansion and enlightenment, she can help you find your true voice enabling you, to be heard and clearly understood and help to enforce, your unique personal power - enabling you to stand proud in your true self..


Dragon can help to unlock magick as old as time, which is help in memories of past lives and your ancestral lines, enabling you to go on journeys - you would never have expected in this lifetime. She can help to transport you through Ethereal realms, to worlds beyond this 3d world surrounding us and enlighten your spiritual self, in ways you could not imagine.. She can help you access healing multi dimensional healing energy, to aid you in being whole and also guide you in ways to assist others, on their own healing journey...


Be brave and let go, let Dragon take you -where you need to go.


Can be used in Shamanic Journeys, visualisations, meditations, alter work, spirit guide work


10ml blended with Grapeseed oil

Dragon Spirit Oil


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