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Lemurian Quartz is a unique energy but this Blue Mist Lemurian is off the scale

Can you see the blue mist around the crystal?
The Blue Mist Lemurian Crystals were said to be formed over 100 million years ago. During their lifetime there was a 20 million year crisis when they were internally fractured and broken by the earth’s tumultuous upheavals. And after each one of these catastrophes the crystals healed themselves internally giving rise to the appearance of the blue mist. The yellowish colour near the base are due to the presence of another mineral, limonite.

Blue Mist Lemurian Quartz Crystal has the ability to make you feel both like a young child and an old wise person at the same time. The focus of the energy from the Blue Mist Quartz Crystal is in the solar plexus. Calming emotionally and physically and bringing a peaceful feeling.

The perfect aid to develop meditation and spiritual practice, particularly when used to access the knowledge of Akashic Records and realms of Lemuria, the City of Light. Blue Mist Lemurian are ideal healers as they release negativity, preventing it from sticking, as they dissolve disharmony.

Meditate with a Blue Mist Crystal and in your meditative state you’ll find as you move up through the crystal the energy moves down through you. It is grounding and uplifting at the same time; so it’s an excellent crystal for anyone working on any creative project, a new relationship, new business venture or anything else you want to manifest into reality.

These are a very powerful tool for meditation work and accessing Akashic records.

Great for emotional pain. Absolutely amazing for wisdom and inner knowing / knowledge work.

Extremely High Vibration crystal to work with


Height 9.5 cm

Width 3.5 cm

Blue Mist Lemurian Quartz Point


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